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Visit The Ice Castles in Woodstock, New Hampshire

The Ice Castles in Woodstock, New Hampshire opens on January 14th 2022. Runs through early March! And it’s just  35 minutes away from Rabbit Hill Inn.  

a sign to click here to purchase tickets for the Ice castles attraction in New Hampshire

It’s a real Ice Castle! Imagine the thrill of walking through the center of massive glacier-with solid pillars of ice filled with surprises. Crawl through Ice Castles in New Hampshireice tunnels and caves. Zoom along on the ice slides and explore secret stairways. Check out the glistening fountain in the center of the Castle. At dusk, don’t miss a walk through the Mystic Forest – a 1/4 mile pathway magically illuminated. Planning a special experience, such as a proposal? Book a VIP reservation in a private alcove with firepit.    Imagine, all this is built out of solid ice. You can even add a sleigh ride to your visit!

Pro Tip: After dusk is the ideal time to visit. The LED lighting makes the Ice Castles even more magical. This is one of only six carefully crafted Ice Castles in the country. Read below for all the important information you need to know before you go.


Plan your visit soon! This Ice Castle will close in early March.

New Hampshire Ice Castles Information

It’s time to start planning your winter adventure getaway – there is SO much to do here! 

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